True red: right for every season? Wrong!

Red is a bold and attention-grabbing colour that many of us love to wear. It's typically associated with passion, power, and confidence — but beware: not all shades of red are created equal!

While the right shade of red can enhance your natural appearance and give you a much-needed boost, the wrong shade can make you look tired, washed out, or even sickly. 

But is there one red that suits us all? 

Is True Red a universal colour?

A lot of colour analysis brands claim that there’s one colour in the whole spectrum that suits every woman equally — and that’s True Red, the bold hue that’s one of our three primary colours (red, yellow, blue).

We're told by brands like London College of Style and House of Colour that True Red suits every season because it has no blue or yellow in it. 

It doesn't lean 'warm' like the yellow-based seasons, Spring and Autumn, or 'cool' like blue-based seasons, Summer and Winter. So if it’s neutral, it should flatter all of us, right?

Well, no. 

Clear reds vs muted reds

Here's what these other brands forget to mention: seasonal colour analysis isn't just about warmth — it's about clarity. 

  • Spring and Winter are clear seasons. 

  • Summer and Autumn are muted seasons.

Primary colours are pure, clear colours. 

  • Primary blue is perfect for Winter: the clear, blue-based season. 

  • Primary yellow is perfect for Spring: the clear, yellow-based season. 

And primary red — True Red — looks wonderful on both clear seasons.

On the other hand, these clear colours — including True Red — overpower the muted seasons. Summers and Autumns need muted colours to flatter and harmonise with their natural complexions.

Should Summers and Autumns avoid wearing red?

Not at all! Both of these beautiful seasons have gorgeous, muted shades of red that enhance their natural colouring.

Summer reds are cool, blue-based shades: think berry colours like Raspberry, Ruby and Burgundy.

Autumn reds are warm, yellow-based tones like Cadmium, Brick and Rust. 

So, can everyone wear red?

Absolutely: there’s a shade of red to suit every season, so if you’re one of those people who’s always thought you can’t ‘do’ red, think again!

Knowing your season can help you find the colours that will light up your complexion — and understand why.

It makes shopping for clothes easier and less time-consuming, and means fewer costly mistakes sitting unworn and unloved in your wardrobe.

If you’re struggling to find the right red, maybe it’s time to find out your season.

Coming soon: make an appointment with your nearest Luminary stylist to find out more about your unique beauty. Meanwhile, join our email list for exclusive news and offers.


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