How Much Does It Cost to Get Your Colours Done (2023)?

If you've been pondering over the potential benefits of a colour analysis, you've likely asked yourself the question: "How much does it cost to get your colours done?" 

Well, let us walk you through the answer, while shedding light on why investing in colour analysis can be a game-changer for your personal style. We would say that, of course, but it’s true!

The cost of getting your colours done varies hugely

getting your colours done near me cost

Determining the cost of getting your colours analysed can be akin to asking how long a piece of string is — the answer varies widely depending on multiple factors, such as:

  • Location

  • Duration of the session

  • Depth and complexity of the session

  • Consultant’s level of experience

  • Takeaways from the session

Typically, you’ll find the price of a one-on-one professional colour analysis service ranges from £150 to £400. 

Getting your colours done on a budget

Choosing the lower end of the scale might seem appealing to your pocket, but it's always worth considering what you'll be receiving for your investment. Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons: 


  • Affordability: This is the most obvious benefit. Services that are cheaper are more immediately accessible to a larger audience.

  • Introduction to Colour Analysis: If you're new to colour analysis and want to get a basic understanding without a major investment, a budget service can provide a useful introduction.

  • Basic Guidelines: Even a budget colour analysis can provide basic guidelines on what colours suit you, which can help avoid some costly fashion mistakes.

  • Shorter Duration: These sessions may be shorter, which could be a plus if you're time-constrained.


  • Limited Personalisation: Budget services may not offer as in-depth and personalised analysis as more premium services. They might use a more generalised approach, which could result in less accurate colour recommendations.

  • Less Experienced Analysts: Cheaper services may be provided by less experienced analysts. Experience often plays a significant role in the accuracy and relevance of the analysis.

  • Fewer Takeaway Materials: Budget services may not provide as comprehensive takeaway materials, such as personalised colour swatches or in-depth guides for future reference.

  • Lack of Follow-Up: There may be little to no follow-up support or consultation, which can be helpful for implementing and refining your colour palette in your everyday style.

  • No Additional Services: Budget options are less likely to include extra services, such as style personality analysis, makeup advice, or shopping guidance.

Getting your colours done as an investment

On the other hand, when you venture towards the higher end, you're likely to find an in-depth, individualised service. Again, let’s take a look at the pros and cons so you can make the right decision for you:


  • In-depth Analysis: High-end services typically offer a comprehensive, detailed colour analysis, which often results in more accurate and personalised colour recommendations.

  • Experienced Consultants: More expensive services tend to be offered by seasoned, well-trained consultants who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the analysis.

  • Comprehensive Takeaway Materials: High-end services usually provide detailed takeaway materials such as customised colour swatches and guides to help you implement your colour palette in everyday life.

  • Additional Services: More expensive services often include extra offerings such as style personality analysis, makeup advice, shopping guidance, and follow-up support.

  • Long-Term Investment: While the upfront cost is higher, the personalised advice and support can lead to better style choices in the future, saving you money on fashion mistakes.


  • Cost: The main drawback is the higher cost, which may not be affordable for everyone.

  • Time-Intensive: These sessions can be longer, which might be an issue if you're time-constrained.

  • Overwhelming Information: The amount of information and advice provided can be extensive, which might feel overwhelming for some individuals.

  • Less Accessibility: Due to the cost, these services might not be as widely accessible.

Compare prices: some popular UK colour analysis providers*

Getting your colours done house of colour me beautiful

What does getting your colours done with House of Colour cost?

A 1:1 colour analysis session with House of Colour comes at a fee of £365.

What does getting your colours done with Red Leopard cost?

A colour consultation with Red Leopard is priced at £395.

How much does it cost to get your colours done with Colour me Beautiful?

A one-on-one colour analysis with Colour me Beautiful costs from £145. It’s worth noting that this session is shorter than some competitors’, at around 1.5 hours.

*Information sourced direct from provider websites — always double-check when shopping around, as we can’t guarantee prices won’t change!

Getting your colours done: price vs value

In the grand scheme of things, investing in a high-quality colour analysis session should save you a significant amount of money.

Think about the clothing sitting in your wardrobe that you hardly wear because the colour doesn't quite "feel right". All those colours you tried because they looked so beautiful on a friend or relative. Or all those latest season’s “must-have” shades that look terrible on you!

Getting your colours done can ensure every new purchase complements your natural tones, eliminating expensive style mistakes.

What’s the price of feeling great for life?

A professional colour analysis offers more than just financial value.

Unveiling your personal colour palette isn't just about looking good — it's about feeling confident, authentic and empowered. Embracing colours that harmonise with your natural complexion can enhance your overall presence and boost your self-esteem.

So, in response to "how much does it cost to get your colours done?" – we say this: consider not just the price, but the value you're getting. It's an investment that can elevate your style, boost your confidence, and transform your wardrobe. 

And really, can you put a price on feeling your absolute best every day? ✨


10 Reasons to Get Your Colours Done in 2023


Colour Analysis: Your Secret Weapon for a Promotion