Style Slip-ups: 8 Mistakes Edgy Style Personalities Make with Clothing and Accessories

Edgy fashion is all about breaking the rules, expressing your individuality, and pushing the boundaries of what's considered 'the norm'.

But, even the most rule-breaking style can sometimes stumble into pitfalls. If your style personality includes Edgy, this article’s for you!

Let's dive into eight common style boo-boos that even the most fiercely Edgy personalities should watch out for.

Creative trend edgy style mistakes
  1. Overdoing Black (Or Any Other Colour)

    Edgy styles often lean heavily on black — or another colour — but relying too much on one hue can easily slip over from creating a signature look to creating a monotonous look.

    Experiment with bold colours, prints, and metallics from your seasonal palette to add depth and interest to your Edgy aesthetic — even if you do want to fix your aesthetic around one or two signature shades.

  2. Ignoring Comfort and Fit

    Don’t let the pursuit of Edginess compromise comfort and fit. Uncomfortable clothes and garments that you’re constantly adjusting can impact your confidence and overall look.

    It’s likely that you’ll be drawn to garments with an interesting or unconventional fit, so just make sure whatever you go for is something you actually enjoy wearing and are comfortable moving in.

  3. Missing the Balance

    A large part of Edgy style is about bringing together clashing elements in a confronting way. Even if you tend to dress according to one particular aesthetic, you need to make sure that your outfit has elements that balance one another out.

    So don't forget to look for contrast in your outfits — masculine vs feminine, smooth vs textured, patterned vs plain, fitted vs boxy. You might be surprised by what you come up with.

  4. Staying in the Comfort Zone (Yes, Really!)

    While your own particular Edgy style personality will no doubt have certain staples, sticking to them exclusively can limit your style evolution and leave you bored and frustrated with your look.

    Experiment with unexpected pieces and styles to keep your look fresh and unique — preloved and vintage items are a great way to add to your wardrobe without breaking the bank.

  5. Forgetting the Occasion

    It’s not rocket science — once you’re past the age of about 15, you’ll be aware that your Edginess will need to be adapted to the situation. What an Edgy woman wears when she has full freedom may unfortunately not work for a business meeting.

    Adapt your Edgy style to different settings, and experiment with ways to inject some more subtle Edginess into otherwise less-than-ideal outfits.

  6. Over-Accessorising

    While big, bold accessories are something of a trademark for the Edgy woman, piling on too many can tip the balance of your outfit and create a cluttered appearance.

    Choose a few seriously statement pieces that enhance your outfit rather than overwhelm it. Edgy women are notoriously good at choosing accessories, so don’t let yours just become part of an jumbled mess.

  7. Not Investing in Quality

    Edgy doesn't mean poorly made. It can be tempting for the magpie-like Edgy style personality to resort to fast fashion as she searches for new and exciting additions to her wardrobe, but it’s important to remember the ethical implications of cheaply made garments.

    Investing in high-quality pieces will keep you on the right side of human rights and environmental responsibility. Buy better, buy less, buy preloved, buy vintage — that’s the way forward!

  8. Lacking Personality

    The most crucial aspect of Edgy style is individuality. Even if you subscribe to a particular aesthetic or sub-culture, don't just blindly follow the trends in that niche.

    Make sure your clothing, accessory and colour choices reflect your style personality, your lifestyle and your body and facial architecture. This will give your Edgy style authenticity (arguably the most important factor in the Edgy style) and make it truly your own.

The Short Version

So there we have it — eight potential style slip-ups that even the most audacious of Edgy women can make in the world of style.

Remember, your Edgy style personality should be an amazing, creative expression of your individuality — but you also have to live in it!

While you should push boundaries, don't forget the importance of comfort, quality, and authenticity along the way. Keep your style personality in mind — that way, you’ll continue to evolve your style and make bold, Edgy style statements that truly encapsulate who you are.


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